

Monday, 1 November 2010

Phone Guild Line

1.  No matter who answers the phone announce who you are, "Hi this is Juggler. Is Katie there?"
This shows you are proud and confident to be you and it establishes some rapport with a housemate or parent which can be used later.
(By the way meeting a girl with her parents is a very good situation. I use my parents routine which many times has gotten the folks pushing their daughter into my arms)
2.  If Katie is not there, chat up the person on the phone. "So what's your name? I'm not coming on to you or anything, as far as I know you could have three eyes and green skin but has anyone ever said you have a real sweet phone voice?" etc..
If this person asks to take a message after you ask for Katie, ignore it and ask who they are and begin to charm them.
Do not be in a hurry. This shows you feel you are not worthy of a person's time and shows a lack of confidence. Also, when you slow down, your delivery will improve with clarity and nuances in your voice.
I do not subscribe to the belief that you need to be the first to end the conversation. As long as you are being charming do not be quick to let this person go. Having said that, try to keep it to about five minutes with this person and do not feel bad if they have to cut you off. Many ASF people read way too much into what is alpha, supplication and all that. If you are being interesting it doesn't matter. On the other hand, if you have run out of material end the conversation.
I can not over-emphasize the worth of getting a person who shares her house to like you over the phone. It will make your life much easier.
2b. Try getting off the telephone without leaving a message. The best way is to just say something like, "Pleasure chatting with you XXXXX. Bye."
If she asks to take a message at this point just say, "Thanks but no message."
Of course Katie will hear you called but there will be a little mystery.
3.  Okay, you get Katie on the phone.
Do not ask her if she is busy.
Do not ask her what she is doing. Do not remind her where she met you.
Do not believe you need to be the first to end the conversation. That will make you rush and ruin your rap.
Talk slowly and confidently.
"Hi Katie. This is Juggler. You would not believe what my niece did yesterday."
Or "Remember how we were talking about the sexiest food and you said watermelon. Well I fed some watermelon to my cat and he is looking at me in the strangest way. . ."
Do not expect a 50-50 conversation. At least not at first. You will have to give it alot of momentum. Go right into material. (I define material as a funny story, patterns, an addendum to the conversation you had when you met the girl - whatever works for you.)
4.  Keep the charm flowing and return her to the fun, sexy mood you left her in. Slow down your delivery and put sensualness in your voice. DO NOT think about the close. Work to re-attract her.
5.  After fifteen minutes or so, the close should be easy. Almost an afterthought. Just talk about it as if it is already a done fact - hardly worth mentioning. Casual like, "Let's get together this week." Then shut up.
She will then recite her schedule and let you know where her free-times are. Pick out a day and time which will work for you. I don't want to make this post so long by typing up the details of why it is important for you to hear her schedule first or let her suggest times first. If someone really wants the breakdown on this let me know and I will post.
Some guys may think accommodating her schedule is supplicant. Maybe. Heck if I know. What is alpha, what's not alpha... Guys make themselves crazy thinking about that stuff. I just know my flaking is virtually nil.
6.  If she claims to be too busy to get together, either act like you didn't even hear it, go back into material and then try to re-close with different language or try to do something immediately, "Let's go for ice-cream. I can pick you up in ten minutes."
If that still doesn't work just say, 'Nice chatting with you." and let her go. Maybe repeat the process in a couple weeks or call other girls.
7.  In practice, if you put her in the right mood you will have very little problem arranging a meet. Half the time the girls will bring up a meet. Sometimes I'll just keep talking material and try not to arrange a meet. She brings it up a meet and I will just keep talking material. I like to do seemingly counter-productive stuff like that just to wallow in how effective good material is.
Always work on her mood. As an example, a couple weeks ago, I called this girl to re-confirm our meet. She had cancelled on me before. From the tone of her first few words I knew she was planning on canceling on me again. But I never gave her the chance. Went right into good material. Steam rolled her into a mood of laughing and fun. Her mind was then changed to, "This guy is making me laugh. I guess I'll give him a shot." I re-confirmed in a very casual way. We met up that night and she ended up sleeping over. I have since lost her. Too bad she was really a sweet girl. But that is another post.
One last word. In order to work the phone well, you must have confidence in your verbal abilities. Work on your tone. Work on you speed. Work on your material. Practice steamrolling your friends into a good mood.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Getting Woman's number by ask her email


    I can still remember exactly what it was like
before I learned some of the secrets of how to
meet women.

    I have very clear memories of women that I saw
literally YEARS ago who I wanted to meet... but I
just didn't know what to do or how to do it.

    In some of the cases, I was actually talking to
the girl, enjoying a conversation... and REALLY
wanting to ask her for her number... but I just
didn't do it.

    But WHY?

    Why didn't I just say, "Hey, give me your

    The fact is that I was AFRAID.

    I was afraid that I'd say the wrong thing, or
that the woman I was talking to would say "no," or
that I'd offend her... or whatever.

    And I didn't know what would happen if I DID do
something. I was afraid of the unknown.

    Eventually, this led me to believe that there
was probably something wrong with ME - that I
should just accept and deal with it... and that
I'd probably wind up either alone or having to
settle for a relationship with a woman that I
wasn't attracted to.

    Ever been there?


    Well, when I finally made the decision to learn
about how to meet women on MY terms, I made it my
goal to learn how to get women's phone numbers.

    I "naturally" assumed that if I was able to get
a woman's number, that would be the key. That was
the "hard part" to me. If I could approach women
and get their numbers quickly, I thought I would
be "The Man."

    So I went to work.

    Here's what I learned...

    To begin with, I learned that most women will
respond somewhere between "neutral" and "positive"
to being "approached" by a man.

    Explained differently, out of the hundreds and
hundreds of times that I've started conversations
with women and seen my friends start conversations
with women, I have VERY, VERY rarely seen a woman
respond by getting upset, saying something rude,
or acting offended.

    The typical worst case scenario is a woman not
even stopping and just walking away, or responding

    And like I said, this is a typical WORST case.

    Another important lesson that I learned is that
when a woman responds in a way that is something
other than positive and receptive, it's usually
about HER, not about ME. In other words, either
she's not a nice person, she's not available,
she's in a hurry, she's in a bad mood, or
whatever... things that aren't within my control,
and that aren't my fault (or problem).

    I also realized that I was CAUSING a major
problem for myself without even realizing it...

    I used to have this idea that it would be
better if a woman didn't think that I was
"interested" in her. I thought that if I could
figure out a way to start a conversation and make
her like me because I was a "nice guy," then I
could somehow get her to see me in a "more
romantic" light later on.


    Little did I know that women ASSUME that you're
interested in MORE than friendship from the very
beginning, no matter WHAT you do or say.

    So when you try to act all innocent and
friendly, like you just want to be friends, women
usually assume that you're HIDING something, or
that you're just another major Wuss Boy...

    This is a bad thing.

    I learned that it is FAR better to make no
excuses at all and NEVER try to cover up the fact
that you're approaching her.

    Later on, as you're talking to her over tea or
coffee, and you're teasing her, making fun of her,
and busting on her, SHE'LL start to wonder on her
own what the hell is going on... which is perfect.

    In the beginning, just be damn good at what
you're doing... and don't try to cover it up or

    Pretending that you're a nice, friendly guy
who's only starting an innocent conversation is a
direct express route to an evening of self


    OK, so here are a few pointers when

1) It's OK To Ask Immediately...

    It STILL amazes me that a woman will give her
phone number and/or email address to a guy after
only a minute or two of conversation... but it's

    If you act cool about it, so will she.

    Do this: After talking for a minute or two say,
"I'm going to get back to my friends" (Or whatever
you were doing), and then turn away from her and
begin to leave.

    If you're getting ready to actually LEAVE the
place where you are (say you're at a bar, and
you're getting ready to go home or go somewhere
else), it's even BETTER.

    In that case say, "We're going to leave... it
was nice talking to you"... then turn away.

    Now, just after you break eye contact and turn
away, TURN BACK and say, "Hey!"

    She'll look back up, and be surprised...

2) Start With Something "Low Risk" she looks up ask, "Do you have email?" in
a calm, normal tone of voice.

    When she says "Yes" - you say, "Great, give it
to me, I'd like to talk to you again."

    Then pull out a pen, and hand it to her.

    As she's writing down her email address, just
as she writes the @ symbol (in other words, in the
middle), say "...and write your number there

    Finally, tell her to write her name down as

    Why do it this way?

    Good question.

-   At first you're asking, "Do you HAVE email?"

    This is a no-brainer. If she does (and most
women do), she'll say, "Yes." You're just treating
the "yes" as if she said, "Yes, I'll give it to
you..." It's a smooth, easy way to ask a "low
risk" question, and have a woman be the one to
MOST likely give you her information.

-   Email is considered "safe."

    I mean, what are you going to do, send her 100
emails a day? Ooooohhh, scary.

-   You're waiting until she's actually in the
MIDDLE of writing down her email for you to ask
her to also write her number down.

    This makes it FAR more likely that she'll give
you her number. At this point she's already
demonstrating to you and her that she's OK with
you contacting her again... and since she's
ALREADY writing, she's very likely to just KEEP
writing... her number.

3) The "Do You Have A Card" Variation

    You can also ask, "Do you have a card?" if you

    This is a classy, low risk way to ask a woman
for her contact information.

    Now, a lot of women DO NOT have cards, so
you're going to need the follow-up for when she
says, "No, I don't have one on me"... such as
"Well, invent one for me!"

    This is funny, charming, and smooth.

    Just take out a pen, and hand it to her.

    She'll know what to do.

4) Be Ready

    Probably half to two thirds of the time, a
woman will just write down her email for you.

    It's AMAZING how easily women will give out
their email addresses.

    But sometimes you'll meet with resistance.

    I can't go into all of the millions of possible
scenarios, but I will talk about the most COMMON

    Probably a quarter of the time, a woman will
say something like, "I don't give out my email to
people I don't know" or "I don't even know you"

    This one used to REALLY stump me... until I
found a simple solution...

    Here it is: Just point to the paper, and say
"Write it down."

    If she keeps resisting, make a joke.

    Say, "It's OK, just write it down. I'll only
email you every five minutes for the next month."

    The SIMPLE "Write it down" works wonders.

    You'll probably overcome HALF of the "I don't
give out my email/number" comments with this one
simple answer. Use it.

5) Mentally Rehearse

    One of the greatest investments you can make in

    Take some time to imagine exactly what it's
going to be like when you ask a woman for her

    Close your eyes, and picture a situation.

    Imagine how you're going to be standing, what
you're going to say, what she's going to say, how
you're going to take out the pen and hand it to
her, how you're going to answer any objections
that she gives you.

    Don't wait until you're in the situation to
realize that you don't know how to handle

    You'll realize all kinds of great stuff when
you mentally rehearse.

    You'll be vividly imagining a great
conversation, then you'll get to the part where
you ask, "Do you have email?" and she says, "Yes"
and you say, "Great, give it to me, I'd like to
talk to you again..." and as you mentally put your
hand in your pocket you'll realize that you don't
usually carry a pen with you!

    Or you'll realize that you don't carry paper
with you.

    Or you'll realize that your pen is usually in
your jacket, which is usually on the back of your
chair, and not with you at the bar.

    When you mentally rehearse, you program
yourself for success. So just DO IT!

6) Don't Sell Too Far In Advance

    This is SUCH an important concept. Maybe even
the most important thing I'm going to say.

    When you're getting a woman's email and number,
DO NOT try to convince her to marry you on the

    Don't "ask her out."

    Don't tell her that your mom is going to love

    Don't ask typical stupid questions like, "Do
you have a boyfriend"... and make it seem like
you're qualifying her for marriage.

    No, no, nooooo!

    As a matter of fact, the ONLY thing you want to
do is get her information.

    Many guys make the mistake of talking about
going out on a date, being interested, etc. or
tipping the woman off in some way that he's VERY
interested in her.

    This creates pressure and resistance. There's
ZERO mystery or tension created when you do this

    All you have to say is, "I'd like to talk to
you again." That's enough.

    And by the way, when you DO talk to her again,
make sure you avoid the same mistake! Don't talk
future and relationship and marriage then either.

    Just take things to the next step, which should
be a simple thing like tea and stimulating

    One small step at a time, and don't sell too
far in advance... ever. It only creates resistance
and nervousness on the part of the woman when you
hint that you're "interested" in a big way.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Day Game - HOW She Wants To Approached By Men

HOW She Wants To Approached By Men <<<< audio

Most guys will go to bars and clubs to meet women, and they  believe that meeting women during the day or anywhere else is  difficult and much harder. But did you know that ONLY 2% of all guys met their girlfriends  at a bar or club. Yup... TWO percent.  It's funny to think that bars and clubs seem to be all that  guys think of when they think about meeting women when it's  actually one of the TOUGHEST places to succeed in.
See, a lot of guys incorrectly assume that women walk  around with their "Stranger Danger" shields up against talking  to men they don't know.
In fact, she's a lot LESS guarded when you  talk to her during the day because the environment gives her  much more safety NATURALLY.  When she's in a bar with the wolves, she needs to stay in her  circle of friends. But out in the real world, women want guys to come up and talk  to them.
But here's the thing, you DON'T have to have anyone "approve"  of where you meet a woman. You DON'T need to meet a woman in certain 'designated' areas.  Regardless of what we think women MIGHT be thinking about it.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

3 steps to approach a woman

Most guys won't approach a woman. They are too scared. It 
is more frightening than hiking up Mt. Everest, or speaking 
in front of the White House Press Corps.

So, if you want real choice and power with your dating life, 
you're going to have to join the minority. That's right - 
you are going to have to seize the opportunities when they 
come your way and push through your fear.

Any guy can do it. This is not rocket science, or 
dismantling a land mine here. In fact, most women will give 
you the benefit of the doubt just for having confident to 
approach her.

Assuming you can get past your own fear (subtle challenge), 
here are some MUSTS for making your approach smooth. The 
idea is to make the process as COMFORTABLE for you and her 
as possible.

If you strike out, chalk it up as a "learning experience." 
Think about how you can make the next one better.

1) Casual: 

Looks much easier written down than when staring at the 
next Mrs. YOU. But, if you come on too strong to her at 
first, she's going to get frightened and defend herself. 

To start the conversation, be as casual as possible by 
asking her a simple question about your environment. 

Also, keep your body language as neutral as possible by 
not turning and facing her or leaning in to her. She is 
much more likely to receive your approach if you can 
prevent the words "something is up here, I can just feel 
it!!" from crossing her mind. 

Feel free to also look away as you chat with her. 

Again, you are reinforcing the casual-ness of the 

2) Playful: 

Lots of guys become Mr. Cocky when they approach women, 
which is a defense mechanism. Drop the cockiness, and show 
her your confident side by being playful. 

This is also called - FLIRTING - and is a MUST skill for 
guys who want to enhance their dating lives. You want to 
simply joke around, but stay away from teasing her - you 
don't know her well enough for that yet. Instead, point 
out the humor in your surroundings, or, even better, 
about yourself. 

The more self-effacing here the better. Let her know you 
don't take yourself too seriously. If you can master this, 
women will trust you. If women trust you, they will want 
to be around you. See where this leads? 

3) Personal: 

Last, but not least, at some point you have to let her 
know a little bit about you. Instead of relying on the 
standard diet of questions ("where are you from?", "what 
is your sign?"), answer these questions for her in the form 
of statements. 

Just drop them into your conversation: "Your sweater 
reminds me of my sister, though we are from the south, it 
gets cold around November. She used to wear something 
similar at Thanksgiving." In that statement alone, I reveal 
three facts about my life: I am from the south, I have a 
sister, and we gather at Thanksgiving. 

Suddenly, you are no longer a guy she just met at the 
café, but someone she is "getting to know".  

 There is a HUGE difference.

First Kiss and after...

It's true that most guys have massive questions in their minds around this issue of when/how to kiss her the first time. 

Some guys overdo it, which leaves a bad - er - taste in the 
And some guys don't go far enough: planting a nice 
gentle peck on the cheek when she's DYING for you to really 
kiss her! 

So, how can you be both sensitive and bold? How can you 
avoid these terrible labels: "tongue-slammer", "meek", 
"weak", and/or "sloppy"? 

First, WHEN is the right time? 
 1) I always tell guys that they usually can sense when it 
is the right time, but they have to learn to trust their 
instincts on it. 
 2) Here's a test - comment on her fragrance, and lean-in 
to her neck for a light sniff. Does she flinch when you 
get close? If so, she's not ready yet at all. 
 3) If you're still in doubt, allow the conversation to 
pause and just smile at her. Does she hold your gaze 
and smile back? If so, she is definitely ready. 
 4) What you want to do next is to subtly tilt your head 
towards hers. Then, subtly tilt it to the side. 
She should be mirroring you at this point. 

Slowly, your faces will reach each other, and your lips 
will touch.

You are now kissing. 
 This is NOT when you open your mouth and go for the full 
tongue-job. PLEASE guys - NEVER do that. 

Kissing is an art: LESS is more.  
 5) Now, when your lips touch for the first time - pull 
away a bit afterwards, and savor it. Be sure to ENJOY 
the fact that you are kissing this beautiful woman. 
 6) Next, kiss her again, but this time hold your lips 
together for a bit longer, allowing for MORE of the 
lips to touch. 
 7) Bring your left hand up and gently stroke her cheek 
while you gently/lightly kiss her. 
 8) At some point, it is fine to French kiss her, but 
do not overdo this. All you are doing here is gently 
touching/caressing her tongue with yours. Do not fill 
her mouth with your tongue...very very tacky. 
 9) If things become very passionate, definitely do the 

- Move your left hand to the back of her neck, and 
gently grasp with your fisted hand the hair at the 
nape of her neck. 
 - Gently pull it down, and not too far - just so it 
feels like there is the slightest pull from the scalp. 
 - This feels incredibly good, while also bringing your 
faces even closer together. 
 10) A nice touch is to subtly savor her lower lip by 
either nibbling it, or caressing it with your tongue. 
If you ever find that you're doing that, guess what... 
she LIKES you.

If this is a first kiss, end it after a minute. 
Don't let it turn into a long, drawn out make-out... 
particularly if it's in public. That's classless.

Your goal is to leave her wanting MORE. Be sure to be 
the one to end it by pulling away first, OK?

Monday, 5 July 2010

Builds sexual tension, out of Friend zone

the difference between how men and women judge SUCCESS
with the opposite sex is when a man is interested in a woman, he judges success
by how much physical contact he makes with her. (In other
words, how "far" he gets with her. First base... second
base...and so on.)

Women view the game differently. When woman is interested
in a man, SHE considers it a success when he confirms that
he is romantically interested in her.

What this basically means is, once you've made it clear
to a woman that you like her...and you're into her...she
feels that she has SUCCEEDED.
In a sense, she knows that she has already "won" the game.

Now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. If the feeling
is mutual, and the two of you are both into each other,
then it's probably the beginning of a sexual relationship
and all the good stuff that comes with it.

The problem is that most guys BROADCAST their interest,
before giving the woman any reason to feel sexual attraction.

This means there is NO chance for sexual tension to build.

It means she doesn't view him as a CHALLENGE or a PRIZE.

She views him as JUST ANOTHER TYPICAL GUY who is eager to
get a girlfriend, or get laid, and it's up to her to decide
whether he's worthy of her time.

This is the WRONG approach. Unfortunately, I'd say 90%
of men broadcast this message to women: "You're beautiful,
I totally dig you, and I'd love to date you, if you decide
that I'm up to YOUR standards."

I've said it over and over again, and I'll say it
once more: what women love is a CHALLENGE.

Does she get the sense that you're a lonely guy, with not
much going on his life, and you're eager and willing to
date the first good-looking woman who gives you the time
of day?
Or, does she sense that you're "in demand?" That you've got
friends, a large social network that includes other women...
and there's going to be COMPETITION from those other women
we'd get to know each other, and she would always ask me, "So are you seeing
anyone right now?" (Or ask a similar question, to find out
whether I was "available," or "taken.")

Well, because I was eager to get a girl, I would always make
it clear that I was TOTALLY single. I'd say, "Oh, no, I'm not
dating anyone. I'm single, I broke up with my last girlfriend
a year ago."

I wanted her to know, if she was interested in me, I was
completely READY for a relationship with her.

That was the WRONG way to play it.

These days, I'll tell the girl, "I'm seeing some different
people on a casual basis. I'd like to find the right girl,
but I guess my standards are pretty high, and I've got a
very busy life right now."

You NEVER want to confess your attraction to a woman
before you've slept with her.
Instead of telling her about yourself, trying to meet her
standards, make HER want to convince YOU that she's up to your standards.

Instead of being "eager to please," you'll learn how to
TEASE and CHALLENGE her (in a playful way) so that she
wants to "beat" the other women that are competing for
Being a CHALLENGE to women is what builds sexual tension
and attraction. Give her the challenge she craves, and
she'll pursue you.

In control,be a Challenge; make woman said yes everytime

When women say they love a sense of humor, what they really
mean is they love the deeper ATTITUDE that a sense of humor
points to.

Guys who are funny, playful
and nonchalant around women -- and
even better, can bust on women and tease them a little -- are
obviously confident and in control of their reality.

These guys don't look to women for approval.

They don't radiate anxiety.
1. Women love men who present a challenge.
2. Women are fascinated by men who are "in demand" and
obviously have other romantic/sexual options.

Women, by nature, are jealous and competitive when it comes to
men. Give her the sense that she'll have to step up and WIN
you away from other women, and the game is on!

A playful, cocky guy radiates this attitude.
The average guy takes himself WAY too seriously when it comes
to women, and is constantly asking himself unnecessary

"Does this shirt look good on me?"
"Is she going to get annoyed if I walk up and talk to her?"
"What if she has a boyfriend?"
"Where should I take her on a date?"
"What if we run out of things to talk about?"
"If I ask for her phone number, will she think I'm some
"Is it too soon to try to touch her?"

When you allow your brain to fire off these questions, it
DESTROYS your ability to be fun, spontaneous and playful.

You're allowing yourself to be preoccupied by unimportant
details, when you SHOULD be asking yourself questions that
boost your confidence and remind you to stay sharp and on
top of your game:

"This girl is cute, but is she interesting enough for me
to date?'

"Is she smart and funny enough to hold a conversation with

"What can I teach this girl, that she'd never learn from
the average guy?"

"What should I mention about myself, to really make this
girl curious about me?"

"How far am I going to take this tonight, and what's my
When you're getting to know a girl, and you make a request
that she can simply say "no" to, chances are she will:

Him: Can I buy you a drink?
Her: No.
Him: Can I have your number?
Her: No.
Him: Can I kiss you?
Her: No.
Him: Want to go back to my place?
Her: Hell no.
Him: Can I see you again?
Her: I'm pretty busy...for the next six months.

One technique is to rephrase your questions so that you
give women "false choices." This means you are not giving
her the chance to say "no."
You are assuming that she's going to go with your flow, and
implying that.

Lead the interaction, and if she's at all interested in you,
or at least curious, she'll go along with it and never shut
you down with a "no."

WACK: Can I buy you a drink?

MACK: So tell me something interesting about yourself,
that's going to make me want to have a drink with you.
WACK: Would you like to dance?

MACK: I'm going to need to take you onto the dance floor. I
don't want you standing here looking like a wallflower.

WACK: Would you like to hang out sometime?
MACK: My friends told me about this new lounge that has
great music on Friday and Saturday nights. Which night is
better for you?

Remember: boring, ordinary guys are constantly asking
permission from women. This results in a lot of "No's," and
a lot of disappointment, frustration.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

9 Mistakes men make

MISTAKE #1: Being Too Much of A "Nice" Guy

I'm sure you've had attractive
female friends that always seemed to date
"jerks"... but for some reason they were never
romantically interested in YOU.

What's going on here?

It's actually very simple...

Women don't base their choices of men on how
"nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do
because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION
for them.

And guess what?

Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that
powerful ATTRACTION.

And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.

MISTAKE #2: Trying To "Convince" Her To Like You

What do most guys do when they meet a woman
that they REALLY like... but she's just not

Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel

Well, I have news for you... YOU WILL NEVER

Never, ever, EVER.

You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently
about you with "logic and reasoning".

Think about it.

If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in
the world do you expect to change that FEELING by
being "reasonable" with her?

But we all do it.

When a woman just isn't interested, we beg,
plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.

Bad idea. One that will never work.

MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her For Approval Or

In our desire to please women (which we
mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys
are always doing things to get a woman's
"approval" or "permission".

Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men
who kiss up to them... EVER.

Don't get me wrong here.

You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to
like you.

But if you think that treating a woman well
means "always getting her approval and permission
for things", think again.

You will never succeed by looking for approval.
Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their

Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if
Wussy guys who chase her around and want her
approval annoy her...

MISTAKE #4: Trying To "Buy" Her Affection With
Food And Gifts

How many times have you taken a woman out to a
nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had
her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her
even HALF as well as you did?

If you're like me, then you've had it happen a

Well guess what?

It's only NATURAL when this happens...

That's right, I said NATURAL.

When you do these things, you send a clear

"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so
I'm going to try to buy your attention and

Your good intentions usually come across to
women as over-compensation for insecurity, and
weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I
said that women see this as MANIPULATION.

MISTAKE #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early In
The Relationship With Her

Most men don't realize this, but attractive
women are being approached in one way or another
ALL THE TIME by men.

Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of

That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.

They know what to expect.

And one thing that turns an attractive women
off and sends her running away faster than just
about anything is a guy who starts saying "You
know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two

This signals to the woman that you're just like
all the other guys who fall for her too fast...
and can't control themselves.

Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.

There's a much better way...

MISTAKE #6: Not "Getting" How Attraction Works For

Women are VERY different from men when it comes

When a man sees a beautiful woman
he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.

But does the same apply for women?

Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more
average and unattractive men with beautiful women
than the other way around?

Think about it.

Women are more attracted to certain qualities
in men... and they're more attracted to the way a man
makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone.

If you know how to use your body language and
communication correctly, you can make women feel
the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you
that YOU feel when you see a beautiful young

MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money And Looks

One of the most common mistakes that guys make
is giving up before they've even gotten started...
because they think that attractive women are only
interested in men who have looks and money... or
guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a
certain age.

MOST women are far more interested in a
man's personality than his wallet or his looks.

There are personality traits that attract women
like a magnet...

YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just
because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome.

Let me say this again: If you know how to use
your body language and communication correctly,
you can make women feel the same kind of powerful
sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you
see a hot, sexy young woman.

MISTAKE #8: Giving Away All Of Your Power To Women

Said differently, guys try to get women to like
them by doing whatever the woman wants.

Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can
walk all over... Women aren't attracted to

MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each
Type Of Situation With Women

A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking.

Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than
men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.

I know, it might be hard to believe. But for
example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and
you want to kiss her, she knows it.

If you don't know what to do in each situation,
you will probably screw it up... and LOSE

And you KNOW it.

It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY
how to go from one step to the next with a
woman... from the first meeting, all the way to
the bedroom.