

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Cold reads

The key to building a bond with her is to engage her attention and get her to share information about herself.
Then you'll tell her how much you relate and establish rapport with her.
One of my favorite conversational tactics for accomplishing this is using Cold Reads.

in a club, talking to some babe who's acting a bit hard to get, I'll bust out a Cold Read:

"Y'know, Lisa, I get the sense that a lot of guys get the wrong idea when they first meet you. They think you're stand-offish and a bit cold. But you're actually a lot more sensitive, and funny, than people realize."

"I get the sense it takes you a while to trust people, because you've been hurt before by someone who was really close to you. But the people that do earn your trust, you would do anything for them."

"I can tell that you're someone who usually plays it safe and doesn't take chances, but sometimes you've regretted it because you missed out an opportunity. But then other times, you're spontaneous and adventurous, and you do take chances...and that's when you've had some of the best times of your life."

If she agrees with one of these "reads"--and honestly, -- I'll follow up by telling her that I can totally relate, because I'm the same way.

This builds a bond between me and her. In order to solidify the bond, I'll tell a quick story--one that illustrates how I'm the same type of person.

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