

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Get YOUR Woman By Being "YOU

If you were to eavesdrop on most guys in the bar, trying to hit on girls, you'd think you were listening to a friggin' job interview...
"So what's your name?"
"Where are you from?"
"What do you do for a living?"
"Do you come here often?" And so on...
Not that there's anything TERRIBLE about askingthese questions, but you're NEVER going to hit home runswith women unless you know how to take the conversation to a DEEPER level and build a strong CONNECTION.
think of it as a "force field" which she uses to repel 90% of the guyswho approach her, then "boom" -- you've now got her engaged in a great conversation, and from there, you can take it anywhere you want to. You've got to create a BOND between you and her, and lay the proper groundwork, so that when it's time to close the deal --whether that means exchanging phone numbers, bouncing with herto the next bar, or bringing her back to your place -- her answer is an automatic "YES" instead of her coming up withan excuse to say "NO."
Originality is INCREDIBLY important. "Be Original." This Commandment applies to A LOT of areas -- from having an original fashion sense, to how you control the flow of the conversation and reply to her questions, to where you bring girls on dates.
when it comes to having an original fashion sense, Dressing "original" can be as simple as getting a stylish new haircut, buying a cool, custom-fitted sport coat, ahip pair of jeans and sneakers, and a few inexpensiveaccessories: a necklace and a ring with cool designs.
Now, when it comes to meeting women and conversing with women, This means no more lame, "job interview" conversations. It means you'll use Creative Questions to get her to openup about herself, and share information that she NEVER told the last 37 dudes who approached her. It means you'll "plant seeds" in her mind about what aninteresting, attractive, original guy you are -- without EVER having to brag. It means when it's time to "close the deal," she'll be happy to go down that path with you...instead of shooting you down, or thinking of you as "just a friend."

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Preface of Date

When you're trying to score with a woman, you've got to eliminate her feelings of UNCERTAINTY.
Women have all kinds of reasons to NOT talk to us, to NOT give us their phone number, to NOT go on a date, and to NOThave sex with us.

And a lot of this is because they don't feel SECURE with you yet. So here's a real fast tip if you want to take a woman on a date... Don't offer to pick her up.

This might set off "red flags" in her mind. If she barely knows you, she might not want youto know where she lives. This is understandable. A lot of guys (not like you) have stalker-ish tendencies, and maybe she's been through this with a guy before. Or maybe she knows a girl who has. So if you barely know the girl, but you got her phone number, and now it's time to take her out, don't suggest picking her up. Here's what you do instead. Tell her to meet you out in front of your place. Give her your address, tell her to meet you out front at a certain time, and tell her that the two ofyou can "roll together" to the spot. (The bar, coffee shop, restaurant, party, etc -- wherever you plan on taking her tonight.)

She'll go for this suggestion because of two reasons:
A) It eliminates her fear that she's going to have to try to find the date location, and she might get lost. You're making it easy on her by suggesting that the two ofyou go there together.

B) She's probably going to be curious to see where you live. You didn't tell her that she'd be coming INSIDE your place.You only asked her to meet you out front. But still, she's curious to at least see the exterior of your pad. So now, here's what you do. When she pulls up outside your place, you go outside, as if you're all ready to go on the date, and ask her if she wants to take two cars, or if she wants to ride in your car.

Either way she answers, here's what you do next: you tell her that you forgot something back inside your place. You tell her you need to do back inside for a minute. And then you INVITE her to come in -- "just for a minute," you tell her. So, you bring her into your place, and you let her hang out in the living room for a few minutes while you go into the other room and pretend to be getting the item that you forgot.

And then, you go with her on the date. What was the purpose of this exercise? It's actually SUPER important. You showed her the inside of your home and you let her get familiar with it. It is no longer a strange environment to her. There is no longer a "fear of the unknown." At the end of the date, when you invite her back to your place, this doesn't feel SCARY to her because she has ALREADY been inside your home, and knows that it's comfortable and inviting. (But ONLY if your home is set up the right way, and even more importantly, it's CLEAN...all

It all comes down to FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Women are big on this. Guys are not! (If a girl was HOT, I would drive in the middle of the night to the WORST part of town just to get laid! I wouldn't care where she lived -- I was going for the sex!)

But if you invite a woman back to YOUR place... and she has never seen it before...maybe she worries that it's filthy, or that you have a bunch of roommates, or that it's too far away, or whatever...there all kinds of little "red flags" popping off in her mind about why maybe going to your place is NOT a good idea. And that's when she'll say, "Umm, thanks, but not tonight, I need to be up early tomorrow..."

Well, you AVOID all of this, and set her mind at EASE, when you "preface" the date by inviting her inside for a few minutes. Then, at the end of the night, when it's time to invite her feels to her like a MUCH safer and more comfortable scenario, because she's already been inside.

Control the conversation

If you're like 90% of guys, you think conversation is about getting to know her, having her get to know you, and just being casual and laidback. Just go with the flow, right?

Well, NOT if you want to get results. If you want to GUARANTEE that you get her phone number and meet her for a date in the future ... or, bring her home TONIGHT ... you've got to get STRATEGIC with the way you converse with women.

Conversation is a TOOL that is going to get you where you want to go. This means no more awkward silences, while you wonder what to say next ... or feeling phony because you're relying on some stupid "pickup routine"

As a MAN, you're going to CONTROL the conversation and guide it along. You're not just talking aimlessly, going with the flow, chatting about whatever topic she brings up.

There is going to be a definite PURPOSE to every conversation you initiate with a woman, and a RESULT you are steering it towards.

It SEEMS like a normal conversation ... on the surface. The woman doesn't suspect anything out of the ordinary: he just seems like a cool guy who has interesting things to say. But under the surface, he is executing a game plan. He is building a RAPID CONNECTION with her. He makes her feel a level of COMFORT with him that the average guy couldn't create, even after spending hours with her!

Create a sense of COMFORT and FAMILIARITY. Think about the POWER and CONFIDENCE you'll have as you're out with women. Women can "sense" these "things". ... and they'll *secretly* love it to death! It makes them feel safe, secure; being with a REAL man,at the same time, feeling all *girly girl* inside.

ALL of the steps that go into making a successful approach, building a bond, establishing comfort and rapport, and leading the encounter towards "closing the deal."

For now, let's run down a few key pointers: Keep the spotlight on her. Women love a man who listens and appreciates what she has to say. The more details she shares about herself, the stronger the connection grows. (It's all about knowing how to ask the right questions. Phrasing is everything.)

Cut through the small talk and take it to a deeper level. Don't get stuck talking about jobs. Mention the things you are most passionate about, and get her to share hers. (Get her to reveal a goal or a dream of hers, and be encouraging and supportive, and you're really in the door ... )

If you're passionate about your work, that's great. But don't dwell on the present. Talk about future possibilities. And remember, if you're not yet where you want to be, in terms of money and success, you can generate strong attraction from women if you show AMBITION and PASSION. (The Women Persuasion Mastery Program has an amazing section on this as well)

an ambitious, passionate guy makes her feel, "this guy's life is on an exciting, positive track. It would be cool to be a part of it." Maintain a sense of MYSTERY.

During the initial conversation, it's best to leave questions about yourself unanswered. Make her want to find out more.

Here are some examples...
Which sounds better?
"I work at a restaurant." Or...
"I work in the restaurant industry. Right now I'm learning all I can about the business, because a few years from now I plan on opening my own place. It's always been a goal of mine.
What about you...I get the sense you're an ambitious person, is there a goal you're working towards right now?" (Here, you demonstrated ambition and passion, then you turned the spotlight back onto her.)

Which sounds better?
"I'm between jobs right now..." Or...
"I'm checking out a number of different business opportunities right now, I like to stay busy. What about you, how do you spend your days when you're not working?"

Or, you might have achieved some success in your career. In this case, don't boast about it or go into detail. Just ALLUDE to the fact that you're a sharp, successful guy with even bigger things on the horizon.

Positive can be phrased so that it BUILDS YOU UP in her eyes.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

6 steps out of the friend zone

If you want her, above anything else, you need to first know what she wants, you need that "key" to unlock her... "se.xually".

Your job is to know what that "key" is. Once you know whatit is, your job becomes 10 times easier... you just feed offer wants and give it to her.

Next, follow these 6-steps to make sure you stay out of the friend zone and get her sexually interested in you...

1. Limit your availability. I'm willing to bet that whenever this girl does call you, you eagerly answer the phone and chat with her for as long as she wants.
You THINK that when you spend two hours on the phone with her, sharing your life stories and telling her about the girl who broke your heart when you were in the tenth grade, you're building some kind of deep "connection" with her.
But what you're actually doing is removing ANY sense of mystery about yourself, and letting her know that you have nothing else going in your life... and no other women. This is massively UN-attractive to her.
(I know that when you're a man who is struggling with his dating life, and haven't hooked up with a chick in a while, this takes a LOT of discipline. Your instinct is to make yourself totally available to her and try to spend as much time as possible with her. Well, go ahead and keep doing it this way, if you want to keep wondering why women keep placing you in the friend zone...)

2. Until you've slept with a woman, limit your phone chats with her to five minutes. And don't get caught up in constant text-messaging.
Give her the sense that you're a busy man with places to be. Use these short phone calls, or text exchanges, to lock down your plans to see her again. Save the deep conversations for when you are actually spending time with her.

3. Women are moody and emotional. Get used to it, and know how to deal with it. When she start acting weird or distant, she is testing you. She wants to see how you will respond. Do you kiss her ass and ask her "what's wrong?" Do you get frustrated and angered by her behavior? (Either of these responses will only make her get more moody!) Or, do you behave like a firm, direct MAN? (Tell her, "Well, I can tell you've got some things on your mind right now, so why don't you take some time to sort it out and get back to me. I've got some things I need to handle right now.")

4. Her ex-boyfriend is irrelevant. Women commonly use the excuse, "I got out of a bad relationship recently, I don't know if I'm ready for someone new, I don't want to get hurt again," etc. It's all crap, basically.
The truth is, if she met a confident, attractive man RIGHT NOW who made her feel a sexual connection, she'd forget about her ex-boyfriend in about 2.3 seconds.
When she talks about her ex, and how she's "not ready," what she really means is that you're not making her feel attraction, and so she's testing you to see what kind of man you are.
You need to put her in a positive, fun state of mind and keep her there. When she thinks of you, she should think of fun times and feeling good about herself.
The last thing you want to do is allow her to dwell on her ex-boyfriend and be her "shoulder to cry on." If she ever mentions him, change the subject. And never refer to him by name because it only aggravates her emotional state.
(Instead, refer to him as "that guy." Make him seem irrelevant and insignificant.)
HER: "I guess I'm just in a bad mood today because it would have been my third anniversary with my ex, John..."
YOU: "Well it sounds like that guy didn't appreciate you the way he should have, and it's his loss. I'm just glad we're getting to know each other, because I can tell there's a lot more to you than meets the eye. So tell me more about ________" (Change the subject onto something that gets her in a positive, talkative mood).

5. Never confess your attraction to her. Women interpret this as a sign of weakness. You've been taught by the media that woman want a soft, sensitive guy who isn't afraid to confess his feelings.
Actually, the opposite is true. She needs to know you are a strong, emotionally secure and confident MAN. Once you've got a sexual relationship going with her, and she's bonded to you, feel free to be a sweet, loving boyfriend and do all of the romantic things that drive her wild.
But until then, you've got to play it cool.

6. Finally, be willing to "man up" and walk away. If for whatever reason she just can't sort out her feelings, cut her loose.
Trust me, if you were involved with two or three OTHER women right now, you wouldn't have the time or the interest to play games with some chick who can't make up her mind.
When you have multiple options, you will ALWAYS feel confident and in control. Don't make the mistake that most guys make, and place "all of your eggs in one basket." This is also one of the biggest mistakes guys make when they want to turn a friend into something more.
There focus too much on that one girl. Once a woman has mentally placed you in "The Friend Zone," it's difficult to change her feelings towards you. Ideally, you never want to her to view you as her platonic, non-sexual "buddy" in the first place.
This is why when you do meet up with women for a date, you've got to take things in a sexual direction. This doesn't mean you have to sleep with women on the first date. But you MUST establish some physical contact and make her feel that you're a sexual possibility for her.
That's the difference between guys who always suffer in the "Friend Zone," and guys who GET IT DONE. I
f you're constantly pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to get that ONE SPECIAL GIRL you've always fantasized about (but she ONLY treats you as a friend/brother and NOTHING else)

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Two activity; Two venue

First of all, you gotta understand that what you choose to do with a woman on a date reveals a lot about your personality. So, if you fall back on "ordinary" activities, you will be seen as - well - ordinary.

Before we completely bemoan the classic "Dinner and a Movie", let's at least see why it is effective, if not completely ordinary:
1) It has TWO different activites;
2) It has TWO different venues.

As principles, these are very good and useful.

three guiding principles in formulating a date:
1) It must be FUN;
2) It must involve more than one activity;
3) It must happen in more than one venue.

What makes this so effective is that it is COMFORTABLE for her and for me.
Women are also reluctant often to go for a dinner date (unless they are more familiar with the guy) because they don't want the discomfort of being stuck at a dinner table with someone they don't really know.
By having the first section of our date together be with an activity helps us both to relax, and open up.
Then, we sit down and share some conversation - which is much easier now.

1) FUN - try to plan an activity at the beginning of the date which will automatically break the ice, and help you both relax. Galleries are great places to go, for example.

2) More than one activity - two things "to-do" at least. Dinner and a movie are two different activities. Step out of the box and show her that you see the world differently than the average chum...being adventurous is attractive.

3) More than one venue - By going to different places, not only do you both relax, but you also get to see more than just one side of someone.

Cold reads

The key to building a bond with her is to engage her attention and get her to share information about herself.
Then you'll tell her how much you relate and establish rapport with her.
One of my favorite conversational tactics for accomplishing this is using Cold Reads.

in a club, talking to some babe who's acting a bit hard to get, I'll bust out a Cold Read:

"Y'know, Lisa, I get the sense that a lot of guys get the wrong idea when they first meet you. They think you're stand-offish and a bit cold. But you're actually a lot more sensitive, and funny, than people realize."

"I get the sense it takes you a while to trust people, because you've been hurt before by someone who was really close to you. But the people that do earn your trust, you would do anything for them."

"I can tell that you're someone who usually plays it safe and doesn't take chances, but sometimes you've regretted it because you missed out an opportunity. But then other times, you're spontaneous and adventurous, and you do take chances...and that's when you've had some of the best times of your life."

If she agrees with one of these "reads"--and honestly, -- I'll follow up by telling her that I can totally relate, because I'm the same way.

This builds a bond between me and her. In order to solidify the bond, I'll tell a quick story--one that illustrates how I'm the same type of person.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Teasing scenario

Mentally rehearse first conversations with women. Rehearse body language, inner state, responses to common objections, etc

Ok to open with a compliment, as long as you do it in an interesting way. “what are you, a statue model?” “You are really…………….(look in eyes)……gorgeous”

Teasing shows lack of intimidation and sense of humour.

Don’t answer questions directly.
“What do you do?” Whatever you say, don’t say it twice.
-I work in the slave trade business. Import/export etc.
-Ass model
-Can’t you come up with a more original question than that?
-I can't tell you. I have to show you.

End conversation TOO early, turn around and ask for email, and have her write down number at the same time.

They’re gonna ask me to leave soon…yeah…the other guys are complaining that with me around they don’t stand a chance

Physical approach: Walk past glass, then walk backwards to get another look…look them all in the eyes, then walk on..then walk back!! Doesn’t really work for terrasses, just if there’s glass. Exaggerates the double-take! Cute and interesting

Let’s get together”. NOT “Let me buy you dinner” etc., don’t allow a pretense

Hey, I don’t have long to talk [time constraint], but I wanted to get in touch and say hi. Let’s get together etc

“If nothing else, you sound like you’d make a nice friend”

How do you create an obsession is to have something work sometimes, and unpredictably.

Have UNBORING body language. Be animated, take up space

Know exactly what you have in mind before you ask her (shows decisiveness)

Always send mixed signals. Tell her you want to be friends, then kiss her. Spank her and tell her you did it because she’s such a good girl. Tell her what she just did was unacceptable, then kiss her. Respond differently to the same thing. NEVER BE PREDICTABLE!

Call her a cute nickname. “If you were Disney princess, which one would you be?” Then call her that.

Make it clear that you’re the selector, that she’s auditioning for you as much as you’re auditioning for her or more

Assume that you can do no wrong and just have a good time

Go light on women that are overly shy or have low self-esteem

Talk freely about men, women, sex, dating dynamics

Treat her like a friend but constantly tell her she’s messing up her chances with you
“I thought you had potential but you went and did THAT”

Interesting topics:
-Guess what’s going on with another couple
-When were the people around you last laid?
-and interesting trivia Etc

“You have beautiful glasses. Where’d you buy them, Home Depot?”

Says something sexual: (act all offended)“Oh, wait, is this the point where you like, give me your opinion? OH, that’s so cute, you have an opinion!”

NEVER ask her if you’re her type, what kind of guys she usually goes for, what she’s feeling for you, what she thinks of you, etc

Misinterpret what she says: “Go to bed? But I don’t even know you!” Bed, “it”, “in”, blow, etc. all leave room for intentional misinterpretation.

How many girls do you do this to? “Why? Do you wanna meet girls? Do you want me to teach you how?”

You look familiar…I know! You look like my FUTURE ex-girlfriend!

She’s so hot I’d follow behind her and finger bang her shadow

Don’t approach any woman/date with relationship expectations.
This puts false pressure on you, causes you to exaggerate positives, downplay negatives, etc.
Instead, go in with the attitude of “I’m here to have a good time, if something physical happens then great”.
No thinking about relationships until at least date 10.
No talking with women about relationships before at least 3 months.
Wait at least a day to call her, only see her once or twice a week.
Be a man, don’t be a friend.
Avoid dramatic talk and deep conversations whenever possible. Don’t get involved!
BE THE MAN always. It sure beats the alternative
-Put some distance between her and you. Start seeing her half as often or less
-Call her once for every time she sees you
-Get a life of your own and stop acting like her servant
-Start seeing other women-Start focusing on the bad behaviours that got you where you are now and think of how to avoid them in the future

If you do ANYTHING with enough authority, you can get away with it

Fear of rejection

There are 4 major fears in approach situations:
Verbal confrontation
Physical violence

To face a fear, imagine the worst case scenario and then reframe it or LAUGH at it.

Have a positive mindset

Surround yourself with people who are LIKE the way you want to be! And surround yourself with POSITIVE people to avoid a negative mindset. Avoid negative influences whenever possible, like TV news.

Close your eyes and imagine the you that you’d like to be. How are they standing? What kind of posture does he have? How does he handle situations? Now, what are some experiences that that ideal self would’ve had to have been through to reach that state?

SCARCITY is a myth! They’re out there, there’s no need to be stuck on one.

How do you make someone want something? Make it scarce, connect it to something else they want, make it beneficial, make them work for it, prove that other people want it also, make it a challenge

Always communicate that you are the selector

Pay attention to body language! It accounts for 93% of communication. Tonality, mannerism, speed of movement (even blinking)

Be a high-novelty seeker. Take risks, try new experiences

If you’re dealing with a woman from a position of scarcity, where you have to get THIS particular girl, you’ve already lost. You’ve given all your chips away—you don’t have a negotiating position.

BELIEFS of successful men

BELIEFS of successful men
• I don’t let women use their looks or sexual power to gain anything from me. There are no special privileges.
• I’m un self-conscious and couldn’t care less about what others think.
• I put myself and my life first.
• I deserve, have permission to date, and can hold an exceptional woman
• I’m indifferent to the outcome• I understand the culture, I get it—style, food, movies, Cosmo, etc
• I’m a good communicator—especially of what I want
• I’m in control, and I don’t let outside events destabilize me
• I’m not needy, I keep my power for ME
• I think sex is great, and I don’t have any hang-ups about it
• I can control myself and I can wait. I don’t need to take action right now
• I don’t tolerate disrespect to myself, my time, or my property
• I’m a catch
• I judge people based on CHARACTER, not possessions or outward physical appearance
• I may be smitten with a woman but I don’t tell her early on, and I don’t let it slip indirectly

Saturday, 31 January 2009

NO Convince, Coax, Persuade

When a guy wants to be more than 'just friends' with a girl, this is what usually happens:

- He will usually convince, coax and worst still, PERSUADE her into seeing him as a potential boyfriend before making a move on her.

- His plan of action will usually be to 'be there for her' when she's in need.

- He'll be her intellectual whore, falsely hoping & attentively listening to her bitching about the guys in her life, carefully assuring her he'd make a better boyfriend than her current one.

- His actions are well-calculated, meticulously planned and when he sees the chance, he'll say something that goes like this...

And he'll quietly go under the radar, treating her extra nice, buying her stuff, 'offering emotional support', basically all the goody things to prove how DEPENDABLE he can be as a boyfriend...

The worst are those that'll just flat out bash the 'other' guy... "He's such a jerk, why are u still going out with him" "You clearly deserve someone better..."

- Confessed how madly you're in love with her and how you'd do anything for her

- Convinced her that you're the ultimate "nice guy" by being the sweet, gentle, and caring man she 'should' love?

- Persistently telling her, giving her the reassurance on how different you are from the other guys around, how you'll sacrifice everything, be there for her and give her the world?

- Act depressed so that she'll feel bad for you and "give you a chance"?

Basically any form of trying to reason and persuade why she should open up her heart and accept you... IT WON'T WORK!

You can't just "make" a woman "like you" or "change how she feels about you" by doing nice things, reasoning and trying to convince her into it... Because women aren't anything like us at all.

They don't suddenly wake up one day, make a logical, conscious decision and say "hey, he seems like a caring, sweet, nice man, I think it's time for me to fall in love with him."

Attraction is not based on logic and will NEVER be. A woman is either attracted to you or she's not. It just happens!

It's so common for guys make the mistake of thinking that they have to coax a woman they are friends with into seeing them as a potential boyfriend before making a move on her.

Think of the guy, for example, who attentively watches and listens as his gal pal wails over her current love life; and, then, assures her that he'd make a better boyfriend than her current one.

These are the most COMMON mistakes guys do... And sad to say, not only are these actions COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE, but it completely REPELS her further away making it less likely she'll EVER feel the same way for you!

Similarly, if you do something to let a 'friend' know how you feel... but she isn't ATTRACTED to you in the first place, she WILL run... and never turn back.

The solution then is to get HER TO LIKE YOU before she finds out YOU LIKE HER.

And to do this, you have to build ATTRACTION and COMFORT - the two biggest pieces

Never confess your feelings or try to persuade her to "feel" it for you.

Work instead on DEMONTRATING attractive qualities and generating ATTRACTION and seducing her into your 'trap.' To do this, she has to be attracted to you as a sexually attractive MAN.

Therefore, as a man, you should approach EVERY attractive female as a potential mate.

If you fail to impress her and see you as a 'potential' when you first meet her, it's most likely that you'll end up in her "Friend" zone. "

So what do women really want?"
What women say they want is not really what they want, because WHAT THEY WANT IS FOR A MAN TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT WITHOUT HAVING TO TELL THEM.

Want to know why sending flowers to women works for some?

It's NOT the flowers themselves that make her smile, but the GESTURE. It's proof that he THOUGHT about her that day. It's an excuse to brag about him to her friends.

It isn't the bouquet that matters; it's the TIME it took him to choose, buy and deliver them.

Want to know why some women go all excited when a guy brings them out on romantic dinners?

It's NOT that he was willing to spend the money on her, it's more the time, the thoughtful PLANNING he took to find out what she likes that struck her chord.

Social proof

Social proof it's a very powerful psychological trigger that can really influence the way people act.

As humans we do things based on what other humans do.

We are more likely to make a decision or take an action when we have seen PROOF that someone else has also made the same decision. The choice becomes that much easier when we realize people "just like us" (similar demographics) have made the exact same choices too.

It's like I'm walking to a football game to go to my seat and 40,000 people in front of me are lined up going through the gates waiting to enter the stadium. Instead of analyzing where to go , I'll just follow along with the crowd. It's sort of like monkey see, monkey do.

We are very, VERY much influenced by people around us, especially if we feel people around us are similar to us. And that's the underlying concept behind social proof.

Social proof is a powerful concept because, if we can subtly "demonstrate" to women that other women, just like them, are attracted to us, are interested in us, enjoy hanging out with us or they simply want us, they are more likely to make the same decision.

The fact is that women are VERY competitive creatures. Especially when it comes to men. The good news is that if you know how to take advantage of this, and BRING OUT that sense of COMPETITION in a woman, you will be able to make a woman feel STRONG feelings of attracting for you VERY quickly...

The bottom line is that this stuff is POWERFUL,it triggers ATTRACTION, and it communicates to a woman that you GET IT, AND it helps you to reach inside and touch a woman in a way she's always wanted, and in a way that she responds to powerfully.

Friend to Lover by make her Jealous

One of the FASTEST ways to turn a friend over to a LOVER is to make her JEALOUS.

You must make her see you as a MAN. And to do that, it's all a matter of building up your SEXUAL VALUE in her eyes.

So by showing that your interest is elsewhere (therefore making her jealous), you are effectively cutting off what she USED to have with you; the wonderful, happy times she spent with you, subconsciously, it'll make her *realize* that she DOES in fact, have feelings for you.

Let it be TOTALLY ON HER at that point to feel it, to think about it, to come to the conclusion on her own.

So what you can do is to specifically bring up another woman or a past experience with a girl in great detail.

Example: The next time you and your chick friend heads to the record store, pick out a one-of-a-kind bootleg Colbie Caillat CD.
She'll go, "You don't listen to Colbie."
And you'll smile and say, "I know, but this girl I met recently really digs her, and I know she'd love this."

She'll be impressed by your thoughtfulness, miffed that she doesn't score suitors like that, and wondering what this woman's got that makes you treat her so well. Here you're playing yourself up as a prime boyfriend material AND making her jealous at the same time...

Be extremely DESCRIPTIVE and GRAPHIC when you are relating your story to her- up to a point where she can actually picture your story in her mind- almost to the point of 'tasting' it.

Offer the vivid details until you can sense she starts getting uncomfortable. Tell her how Kathy's body is killer, talk about how Kathy has the most flawless features you've ever seen in a girl... Get her to have an image of how much fun the both of you had together, the teasing, touching, playing and all.
Tell her... "I was shocked when Kathy showed up at my office today with pizza. Gotta love her for that" Just keep it going whenever you're with her... "Kathy told me that the best deals are on the East side of town" "Kathy said the funniest thing the other day..." "I was picking up laundry last night and the owner was wondering where my girlfriend was... I was like who?? The brunette you were with the other day..." I was like ... what? Kathy? Oh please... I mean could YOU imagine both Kathy and me?"

Kathy, Kathy, Kathy...

Do it long, hard and subtle enough, and you're bound to see how she'll change when she's with you...

You will know if you were successful if:

- She tries to talk bad about the girl/s in some way. (It's her defensive mechanism).

- She suddenly goes into silence and appears kind of withdrawn - this is when she is reflecting

- She gets annoyed, agitated, pissed at you for bringing it up