

Friday, 18 July 2008

Create those spark of attraction

Let's say that you have two stones... How would you create a 'spark' between two stones? Do you take both stones and rub them together gently, as if they're sharing a kiss? or You take one stone and you strike the other one with it, hard! That's what creates a 'spark', yes?

If you want to create an attraction in the woman, for you, one of you will have to strike that stone. In this case, it will have to be YOU. The woman has no incentive to do so.

So, it's up to YOU to create those sparks of attraction. If she has already placed you in 'the zone', the 'friendzone', the ONLY way for you to get out of it is to use disconnectors to 'cut off' all previous connections. It's an entirely SEPERATE topic alltogether.

To draw women in, you have to be unique, entertaining, arrogant and offensive even. Make fun of her a little. It's not thing wrong women are used to getting compliments, especially 'suck up' wussy-like compliments on their beauty and looks. So, DON'T do that.

If you have to give a compliment, turn it into a jab. Poke fun at her with it.

Example... "I like your eyes." And then add... "Is that your REALeye color?"
"I like your hair" or "You have great hair." Then, add... "Is it REAL?"

She'll probably look at you and think, or say... "I can't believe you just said that!!" She may either laugh at it or act offended. Either way, don't worry about it. And don't apologize and don't say "I'm kidding." Just smile or laugh, regardless of how she reacts.

You're striking the stones together. Remember No "nice" rubbing allowed! You want to heat things up, not get a lukewarm reaction.

Remember, the approach is used just to START the conversation. Nothing else. After that, you can immediately switch to a story or routine that you've planned ahead of time.

If you're out approaching women in clubs and you've started with a quick story or scenario like..."Hey, did you see that girl being thrown out by the bouncer?"

You can now switch to something else. Shift the conversation to something/somewhere else. You can even turn to the girl you're supposed to be ignoring and say...

"You, especially, look like a lightweight. You don't seem like you can handle more than one glass, huh?"Her: Why!!?"Oh, I don't know, you seem too petite and proper" If she says, "That's right. I'm not a drunkard like you/them," you can reply with... "It's okay. I won't hold it against you. You're forgiven. =)

It's just takes practice to get the flow right. By not complimenting her or paying too much attention, you're putting everyone at ease, including her friends who won't have to protect their friend from another pervert. You're more of a challenge, and she will have to work a little to get you to start liking her.

It demonstrates you're AT EASE around hot women; an added DHV (demonstration of higher value). It's essentially all about having a STRUCTURED, PROVEN system of doing things that makes the difference between a LAYor a REJECTION.

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