

Sunday, 25 May 2008

To be interesting

To be attractive, you must come across as interesting. "Interesting" means unusual / non-typical.

If all you do during your conversation with a woman is nod an agree with everything she says without challenging her and / or teasing her periodically, you are likely to come across as a very boring company.

Playing it safe and NOT showing your true self will likely waste your time and hers because eventually you will show your true colors and so will she, so why not find out if you really like each other early on?

Saying a joke or teasing a woman is one of the most effective and reliable ways to assess her personality.

Is she uptight or easy going? Is she fun or will he be a pain in the ass? That's what you want to find out as early as possible.

When a woman says: "You are such a sweet guy, you must be getting lots of women"

Don't say "Oh, no. I am waiting for that special woman,"
Instead use it as an opportunity to be funny and attractive: "Yeah, it's kind of hard and confusing. You should register online to join the group of those women so I don't forget about you. Ah.... what's your name again?"

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