The key is confidence and poise
Do something NORMAL
2.Getting Digits
The key is to be interesting and funny
Make interesting conversation with women
3.Date Request
Keep up the cocky and funny
The Friendship Frame
MUST be as clean as possible
Make a good impression
Stay very cool and calm when you first meet a woman - and act almost indifferent. This quality is attractive to women.
5.Holding Hand
it's a good idea to hold a woman's hand forawhile before kissing, this conveys to the woman that you are a warm,friendly person, and someone she can trust.
The interesting thing about hand holding is that men think that handholding means "She wants to have sex" and women think that it means "Oh,he's a nice guy."
An important one to learn is Palmistry, as it leads to you touching herhands!
When you're finished, you just keepholding her hand. It works so perfectly.
If I've been talking to a girl, and I want to know if she's ready to bekissed, I'll reach over and touch her hair while we're talking and make acomment about it. I'll say "Your hair looks so soft" and just touch the tips of it.
If she smiles and appears to like what she's hearing, I then reach backover and start stroking it again while talking to her. If she likes this, I knowthat she would be receptive to a kiss.
7.Being Alone with Her
This Bridge is all about trust
If she trusts you, and feels safe, she'll be OK with the idea of beingalone with you.
It's important to NOT seem too eager for anything.
DON'T seem too anxious
So be trustworthy
8.Making Out
Men are on/off switches, and women are volume knobs. So work on thisone slowly and with patience.
The first thing to do is NOTHING
Take 10 or 15 minutes and sit back and be only interested in talking. As a matter of fact, sit faraway from her, or LEAN BACK if you're next to her. This sends the message that you're not just horning in for the kill.
Next, when you've both shared a nice laugh together, and the energy is good reach back over and give her a kiss.
This time, WHISPER in her ear that she smells really good. Then start to SMELL her neck and shoulders
Women LOVE tobe smelled, and it instantly turns them on
The things that trigger it:
1. Pulling her hair gently (run your hand up the back of her neck intoher hair, then make a fist and pull lightly).
2. Biting her neck gently (no Dracula here, just lightly).
3. Breathing in her ear and whispering.
4. Kissing her neck.
If you take some time smelling her, she will start to get turned on. Thenit's time to try one of the above to take her to the next level! This is whenyou can start gently rubbing her breasts, etc. and go with some heavy petting.
9.Clothes Off
Compliments also WORK well at this point. Since most women are self conscious about their bodies, a simple "I think you have such a sexy body"will work wonders. Women often NEED to know that you find them attractive.
Now you can start taking off the clothes... first shirt, then bra, thenpants... etc. Go SLOWLY, and if she stops you, just take that as a signal that you need to KEEP UP the SMELLING, neck kissing, ear breathing, etc.
NEVER keep going if a woman says "Stop." But stop doesn't usuallymean "Stop and go away," it usually means "Stop, I need you to turn me onsome more."
Keep talking sexy to her, KISSING, etc. Then try again. The MORE turned on she gets, the more the clothes come off.
The most important part of the Bridge to sex is being prepared!
Be ready! Buy condoms, make sure your house is neat and bed ismade...
If you START, then STOP, then START, then STOP... she'll get REALLY turned on. So do that!
Women love a challenge,and if you can be a challenge in this area, then you're the man!
So KISS her BODY for awhile, then stop. Then KISS her NECK. Then stop.Then BREATHE in her ear... then stop. You get it. If you're patient, she'll eventually do something blatant that says "OK, enough! I'm ready!"
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