

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Not the opener that matters, it's the subsequent

Remember, it's not the opener that matters
it's always in the SUBSEQUENT lines and things you say AFTER you've opened her that makes the difference.
Next time you see her glancing your way... SMILE.
If she smiles back, walk up to her and ask
"Hi, beenseeing you around you quite a bit, let me guess, Law?"
The point is for you to DO SOMETHING.

If you're feeling shy to go talk to her just yet, your smile alone will be just as good.
Just as long as you keep smilling whenever you bump into her and she smiles back, you'll become FAMILIAR with each other
You're no more a stranger and after a while, when you actually DO say "hi" to her, it won't come off as if you're trying to hit on her because it's now a FRIENDLY gesture between two people.

Fufill the Discontentment

Discontentment! We all feel it, at one point or another.
Living a mundane, boring, predictable life is what most people hate, and they're constantly looking for ways to get out of it.

Women want excitement in their lives.
You give them what they want.
Ask her, "What will you be doing this weekend? What? Working? Staying at home??"

Insinuate feelings of inadequacy and this will give you a good opportunity to come in between and fill the void - to give her JOY =)
Offer her a way out of her mundane routine
"Let's give that a break for this week. I'll pick you up from your place and we'll go out of town to climb some rocks =)"
(It could anything you know she's has passion in)

Engage her fantasies, her imagination her yearnings and desires.
Try to position yourself in a way that you represent change, differences and excitement.
Make her feel that her life can be so much more than it is now.

The point is, you can concentrate on her friends or her surroundings - the externals of her life attract a woman you want.
Open up your horizons, open up your mind.
Stir her sense of need and discontent and you'll soon have her "buy" whatever it is you are "selling".

But whatever the case is, do not take this step too far because if you do so, she may feel "unworthy" and "alienated."
And instead of feeling attraction for you, she may distance herself from you thinking she is "unworthy" of your attention.