男人的最大魅力在於事業有成,年輕人工作時間不長談不上“有成”,這時候你就要讓MM覺得你是個有上進心的人。 別的可以胡說八道,但這個問題不能含糊,你一定要告訴MM,你對未來充滿信心,你不滿足於現狀,並且你已經有了長遠的計劃,總之你的未來不是夢。
2、要顯得有信心、有責任心 不要像個小孩子,女孩子都很懶希望能找個依靠,你要拿出自己的信心和責任心來。 有一個錯的選擇總比沒有選擇要好的多。
3、不要太正經,但也不要太隨便 該正經的地方就正經,該調侃的的時候就調侃。 女孩子都喜歡有點玩世不恭的男人,所以別顯得對什么都特別在意,那樣太呆板。
4、顯得成熟一點 遇事鎮定、從容不迫的男人對MM有致命的吸引力。
1、這個階段最關鍵的是不能著急,不要把事情弄的那么清楚,讓人家一眼就能看出你在 追人家。 想一想,一般人都不會一眼就看上你,但也不會看一眼就討厭你,都是老百姓家的孩子(除非你長得象周潤發劉德華或者凱文科斯特納),好感是需要隨著瞭解的不斷增加而實現的,所以問題的關鍵是你要得的進一步發展的機會。 站在女孩子的角度替人家想一想:你這么直接了當的沖過來要搞物件,女孩子肯定有心理壓力。這要是接觸一陣後發現不喜歡你,那不就成了耍你了么?所以如果你開始就擺出志在必得的姿勢出來,基本上會被立刻悶回去。
2、要低姿態起步 首先要把關係定位成“朋友”,本來是“普通朋友”,你希望成為“好朋友”,總之千萬不要說“追你”。 你想想,你如果根本不提“追”,那么女孩子也就更沒機會“拒絕”你——你沒追她怎么拒絕你?!這樣可以減輕女孩子的心理壓力,使你們能順利的交往下去。不要幻想認識三天就答應嫁給你,要充分的交往、瞭解,感情不是憑空生的。
3、交往的過程中不要太急躁 要有張有弛,不要整天纏著人家,誰這樣對你,你也會膩。我有個好朋友對我說,追女孩子的關鍵是八個字—— “忽冷忽熱、欲擒故縱”(這是我同學多少年心血的結晶)。 你整天纏著人家自然不覺得你好,你適當的冷個一兩天,女孩子就會想起你在的好處了。 還有就是不要拿出“非你不娶”的志氣來,太掉價了不好,有時候可以耍點花招。
4、要適當的創造機會 前面說了,不要使事情立刻變成“你在追別人”,而你又需要得到接近女孩子的機會,這時就要看你的創造力了。 你可以搜集情報,想辦法把守株待兔變成一場邂逅;也可以裝做漫不經心的找出最最充足的理由邀請對方和你一起做什么事。 總之這個是最有技術含量的地方,實在不行可以找前輩請教。
5、切忌切忌:隨便送人家禮物是不禮貌的 有些人追女孩子心切,喜歡經常買東西送人家,殊不知追女孩子最忌諱這個。 俗話說“無功不受祿”,你這樣送人家東西就是在施加壓力,人家會覺得欠你的,所以會 想辦法還給你,如果沒辦法還給你就會想辦法不和你交往,免得總是欠你人情。 如果你想顯示自己的誠意,倒不妨請女孩子一起消費,比如說找好的餐廳吃飯,或者找貴 的地方一起玩什么的,女孩子自然能看出你花了很多錢,但錢終究是兩個人一起花了而不是變成東西帶回家。
1、“女朋友”是一種事實,而不是一份承諾 你和女孩子開始交往,從“普通朋友”變成“好朋友”,再到“非常非常好、無話不談的朋友”,某一個陽光燦爛的午後,你“不小心”拉了她的手;“月上柳梢頭”,你突然襲擊吻了她。這時她就已經是你的女朋友了,無論她是否承認,她心理已經認你是他男朋友了。 我知道最高明的,直到上床了都沒問過“你是否願意做我女朋友”,最後還是女孩子急了 :“你怎么還不求我做你女朋友啊!” 所以說,千萬不要急於把窗戶紙捅破,情況越朦朧對你越有利。
2、“表白”是什么? 前面說了,表白實際上就是一個形式而已,正確的順序應該是:事實上已經成你女朋友 了,才能向人家表白,水到渠成。 很多人弄不明白這個問題,總以為人家先答應做自己女朋友,然後再如何如何,我只能說非常非常“單純”,也非常非常“愚蠢”。
3、有沒有“迫不得已非表白不可”的時候? 有,比如說出現第三者,或者你和女孩子關係沒有成熟但兩個人可能分開一段時間。 這時候的表白就是條件不成熟的表白,風險非常大,類似於下圍棋的時候形勢嚴峻,落後的一方迫於無奈放出“勝負手”,贏了就贏了,輸了也只能說“倒楣都是天生的”。
4、“愛”字不要輕易出口 經常看見論壇出現“大膽的表白”,說實話我真的認這是非常不成熟的一種表現。“愛”是一個神聖的字,意味著追求,也意味著承諾,甚至體現出一種責任。 隨便說“愛”的男人是不負責任的。
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Saturday, 15 March 2008
what women really want
A lot of men end up becoming that guy, the guy that girls talk to about their problems.
But the relationship usually doesn't get any farther than being just friends.
All women will tell you they want to date the nice guy or that they can never seem to find a nice guy to date.
The problem is, this isn't exactly correct. These women aren't lying when they say they want these things...when they think logical they do, because it makes sense.
But remember, women don't choose logically what they are attracted to.
So, when they think about it consciously. Women want a guy that will buy them flowers and talk to them when they feel down. But in reality, their instinct is to like a guy who will TAKE CONTROL and ACT LIKE A MAN should.
So what qualities do women want in men?
What they've always wanted and always will want.
Women want REAL MEN, men that are IN CONTROL and don't ask for permission to do anything.
They don't want to be in charge, they want someone to be IN CHARGE of them. Here are some examples,
have ever noticed that... When you give a girl a compliment or tell her how beautiful she is she shies away from you?
But when you... Notice a flaw about her, she will get more involved in the conversation and take you more seriously.
Also, have you noticed... When you spoil a girl by buying her gifts, taking her to an expensive dinner, she usually thanks you the evening and goes out with another guy? But, If you simply go for a quick drink and act like you are equals she feels attracted to you, because you're not catering to her every need.
Have you noticed when.... You call a girl often after a date and she seems distant and funny. But, when you don't call her and you act like you're busy and could live with her or without her, she won't stop calling you.
The truth is women don't want to be catered to, spoiled or treated like princesses. This is what women want from a man... First of all, women want you to be CONFIDENT IN YOURSELF.
So, if you approach a girl and seem shy and awkward, that is a turn off. Women want you to LEAD THE WAY, not the other way around. They don't want to talk about what you are going to do, they just want you to lead the way and do it. They want you to keep it COOL and NOT get emotional.
But the relationship usually doesn't get any farther than being just friends.
All women will tell you they want to date the nice guy or that they can never seem to find a nice guy to date.
The problem is, this isn't exactly correct. These women aren't lying when they say they want these things...when they think logical they do, because it makes sense.
But remember, women don't choose logically what they are attracted to.
So, when they think about it consciously. Women want a guy that will buy them flowers and talk to them when they feel down. But in reality, their instinct is to like a guy who will TAKE CONTROL and ACT LIKE A MAN should.
So what qualities do women want in men?
What they've always wanted and always will want.
Women want REAL MEN, men that are IN CONTROL and don't ask for permission to do anything.
They don't want to be in charge, they want someone to be IN CHARGE of them. Here are some examples,
have ever noticed that... When you give a girl a compliment or tell her how beautiful she is she shies away from you?
But when you... Notice a flaw about her, she will get more involved in the conversation and take you more seriously.
Also, have you noticed... When you spoil a girl by buying her gifts, taking her to an expensive dinner, she usually thanks you the evening and goes out with another guy? But, If you simply go for a quick drink and act like you are equals she feels attracted to you, because you're not catering to her every need.
Have you noticed when.... You call a girl often after a date and she seems distant and funny. But, when you don't call her and you act like you're busy and could live with her or without her, she won't stop calling you.
The truth is women don't want to be catered to, spoiled or treated like princesses. This is what women want from a man... First of all, women want you to be CONFIDENT IN YOURSELF.
So, if you approach a girl and seem shy and awkward, that is a turn off. Women want you to LEAD THE WAY, not the other way around. They don't want to talk about what you are going to do, they just want you to lead the way and do it. They want you to keep it COOL and NOT get emotional.
Being the man
1) Learn To Say "No": Not in an angry way, but in a calm and almost "indifferent" manner.
Examples: "No, dear. We're not going to that restaurant tonight."
"No, I don't want to wait for you to call me 2 hours before the movie to see if you're going. If you can't come, tell me now so I can make other plans or go with someone else."
2) Don't Be Too Nice: If you're the type of guy that likes to "be nice" to women and buy them gifts and take them out to dinner, STOP now.
STOP letting them order you around.
STOP volunteering to "do things for them". Every time you fetch her bottle for her or give her a ride home, she's going to see you MORE as a wussy FRIEND instead of a potential LOVER
3) Be Prepared To Walk: If you aren't getting what you want from a girl, there's no use hanging around. If you aren't happy in a relationship, break out of it. Having this attitude will give you A LOT of power. Once women know that you CAN and WILL walk out if necessary, they won't take you for granted anymore.
4) Plan Out Dates: This is actually the easiest way to demonstrate your LEADERSHIP and INDEPENDENCE.
Have the whole date planned out before you go
Stay in control and just give her a good night out
Remember that people are drawn towards those that have a CLEAR sense of where they're going... so if you plan everything ahead...your date is going to respect you more.
5) Be Decisive: If a girl asks you whether you would like to go for dinner or a play, don't say, "Whatever you like." Give a REAL answer.
Every time you give the "let's do whatever you like, darling" kind of answer, you're handing your power over to HER. Sooner or later, she's going to stop respecting you as an equal partner.
6) Don't Care About What She Thinks Of You: Remember that your job is to ATTRACT her, not to PLEASE her.
Don't let her know that you care what they think of you at all. The moment a girl knows you rely on her opinion of you, she's going to lose respect.
Here's the bottom line: women are only attracted to guys they respect, and guys that try too hard to please women lose their respect over time!
7) Learn The Dating Game: Women respect guys that KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Think about it...if you were a woman, would you go for a guy that stuttered and sounded not very confident...or a guy that knew EXACTLY how to approach you, WHAT to say to you...and HOW to say it? Remember that women are NATURALLY ATTRACTED to guys they RESPECT. This means POWERFUL, CONFIDENT, and INDEPENDENT guys that make them feel weak in their knees...
Examples: "No, dear. We're not going to that restaurant tonight."
"No, I don't want to wait for you to call me 2 hours before the movie to see if you're going. If you can't come, tell me now so I can make other plans or go with someone else."
2) Don't Be Too Nice: If you're the type of guy that likes to "be nice" to women and buy them gifts and take them out to dinner, STOP now.
STOP letting them order you around.
STOP volunteering to "do things for them". Every time you fetch her bottle for her or give her a ride home, she's going to see you MORE as a wussy FRIEND instead of a potential LOVER
3) Be Prepared To Walk: If you aren't getting what you want from a girl, there's no use hanging around. If you aren't happy in a relationship, break out of it. Having this attitude will give you A LOT of power. Once women know that you CAN and WILL walk out if necessary, they won't take you for granted anymore.
4) Plan Out Dates: This is actually the easiest way to demonstrate your LEADERSHIP and INDEPENDENCE.
Have the whole date planned out before you go
Stay in control and just give her a good night out
Remember that people are drawn towards those that have a CLEAR sense of where they're going... so if you plan everything ahead...your date is going to respect you more.
5) Be Decisive: If a girl asks you whether you would like to go for dinner or a play, don't say, "Whatever you like." Give a REAL answer.
Every time you give the "let's do whatever you like, darling" kind of answer, you're handing your power over to HER. Sooner or later, she's going to stop respecting you as an equal partner.
6) Don't Care About What She Thinks Of You: Remember that your job is to ATTRACT her, not to PLEASE her.
Don't let her know that you care what they think of you at all. The moment a girl knows you rely on her opinion of you, she's going to lose respect.
Here's the bottom line: women are only attracted to guys they respect, and guys that try too hard to please women lose their respect over time!
7) Learn The Dating Game: Women respect guys that KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Think about it...if you were a woman, would you go for a guy that stuttered and sounded not very confident...or a guy that knew EXACTLY how to approach you, WHAT to say to you...and HOW to say it? Remember that women are NATURALLY ATTRACTED to guys they RESPECT. This means POWERFUL, CONFIDENT, and INDEPENDENT guys that make them feel weak in their knees...
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Forget the fear
Willing is a key word. It is what creates the energy and courage to create and live life by DESIGN.
Being WILLING to have them is what creates them.Being willing moves you beyond your limitations into greatness.
The best thing about this is you can change the realities of your life right now if you were to DO something aboutit.
Stop thinking, stop analyzing, stop waiting and start TAKING ACTION.
NEVER let ANYTHING hold back when with women, and the be SHOCKED;because the things say and do, TOTAL OPPOSITES of what you'd expect a guy to do...
Take risks, forget about what's possible and what's not possible for a second and just DO IT.
If you want to approach and talk to her, just DO IT.
If you want to call her, stop coming up with clever, funnylines to impress her and just DO IT.
If you want to ask her out, then just DO IT.
Fear of rejection. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what a woman might do if we start talking to her. I'd like to remind you that fear is nothing but a THOUGHT. It's NOT real.
Being WILLING to have them is what creates them.Being willing moves you beyond your limitations into greatness.
The best thing about this is you can change the realities of your life right now if you were to DO something aboutit.
Stop thinking, stop analyzing, stop waiting and start TAKING ACTION.
NEVER let ANYTHING hold back when with women, and the be SHOCKED;because the things say and do, TOTAL OPPOSITES of what you'd expect a guy to do...
Take risks, forget about what's possible and what's not possible for a second and just DO IT.
If you want to approach and talk to her, just DO IT.
If you want to call her, stop coming up with clever, funnylines to impress her and just DO IT.
If you want to ask her out, then just DO IT.
Fear of rejection. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what a woman might do if we start talking to her. I'd like to remind you that fear is nothing but a THOUGHT. It's NOT real.
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