

Thursday, 6 December 2007

speaking skill

Posture - shoulder and back straight
Breathing - chest up inhale, chest down breating out

Emotion - imagine the situation, eg, lust, curiosity, excitement, love, happiness
sound like the words eg, huge, anticipation, beautiful, gorgeous, tiny
Inflection - go downward or upwards

Rapport - mirroring eg, dress a suit in a construction is dis rapport, use manner of fine dinning restaurant in a cook out is dis rapport, man impress in front of a woman is different when talk to his friend in poker night
Whole body matching - mirroring similar gesture eg, other cross legs with knees, you cross legs with ankles.

Cross matching - mirroring opposite, eg, other cross legs, you cross arms
Movement - notice other's movements and do the same in the same situation eg, they have new ideas they put their hand forward and palm up, try to do the same when you have new ideas

Part matching - mirroring part of body eg, rate of blinking, angle of head and shoulder, facial expression
Breathing matching
Tone, intensity, tempo, volume

Phase matching - use words that they will repeat
Three kinds - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, ask their last vacation to test
Visual, eg it seem clear to me
Auditory, eg that idea sounds nice
Kinesthetic, seems like a warm caring person
Bewear of every tiny little feeling, sound, movement, vision, smell

Monday, 3 December 2007

choose people to talk to - seduction

Always observer their behaviours for at least FIVE seconds
Put them into one of the THREE category
Crazy people use similarity, over confident, over behavious, imitate their posture
Quite people take note of their conversation, be funny, make them laught, ask interesting questions, ask unique things about them
Cold people worth a try, hard to approach, not successe then leave and find others